Friday, 7 August 2009

Our last piece about the continuing disput between David Cocks Q C,deputy Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association and his former barrister pupil and mistress Felicity over what he should pay in maintenance for their child,has caused much amausement in the learned barristers chambers,5kings Bench Walk.
At a chambers metingon the 20thof March attended by the Attorney general Sir Michael Havers,the barristers filed in carrying their copies of "Private Eye".n anxious Cocks was later seen conferring with havers over a drink in The Witness Box.
Since Ms Hammerton won her appeal over maintenance in Southwark Court,Cocks has taken counsells advice and has stated his intention to pay the annual sum of £10,ooo on the 364th day of the year.For this reason,Ms Hammerton has been oblidged to issue another summons against the childs father David Cocks,.
She has applied for the payments to "be made weekly or monthly in advanceon the grounds that at the moment that Mr cocks maintains that payments are technically are only due by the last day of any year and that any payments otherwise made would be for convenience or as a concession and not as a legal right for the child."
Private Eye

Postscipt:The learned Judge adudicated that the maintenance was to be paid monthly in advance because commen sense and humanity decree that a child cannot eat in arrears,as any father might aspire to empathetically aspire to work out, especially one who sits on the human and moral judgement of others.

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